Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Blind Love

My plot for today was going to be about a man falling in love with a woman, even though he was blind. I thought about all the beautiful qualities that he could have fallen for: her smell, her soft skin, her voice- maybe the way she cared for him and nurtured a blind man- companionship that let his imagination roam as if he could see the world. That would have been too easy- i tried to think about it as a blind woman. What about a man would make me fall in love with him. If it were not for the security, the attraction, the sex… what is there? What makes a woman fall in love with a man or what makes a woman fall in love is when a man makes her feel like there are no other woman in the room, if there are- they aren't worth looking at. His time would be better spent staring at a girl, longing for her. This sounds so unlike anything that i would ever try to argue about, but I don't think a man could fall in love with a blind girl- at least not for more than a few months. That's my negative talk- maybe ill have my romantic blind man story some other time.


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